Mrs. Tessa Martin
5th grade – Math & Spelling
7:45 Roll Call
7:60-8:25 Enrichment (Mon – RTI, Tues – RTI, Wed – Music, Thurs – RTI, Fri – Art)
8:25-9:30 Math with Mrs. Matte’s homeroom class
9:30-10:00 Physical Education (my planning period)
10:00-11:40 Contine Math with Matte’s homeroom
11:40-12:05 Math with Mrs. Gilbert’s homeroom class
12:05-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:55 Recess
12:55-1:20 continue math with Gilbert’s homeroom
1:20-3:00 Math with my homeroom class
3:00-3:05 Pack up
3:05 First Bell
3:10 Second Bell