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BRIAN BRISTER - Adaptive Physical Education Teacher

Welcome to my online classroom.  

Parents, we are going into the weeks of May 11th  to May 21st.  

The next two weeks focus on manipulative and sports skills with your children.  Any extra time can be spent on balance/coordination and locomotor skills that were worked on the last few weeks.

Manipulative/Sports skills to be addressed:

6 thru 10 year olds

1.  Using a moving approach from a distance of 15 feet, underhand roll a tennis ball between 2 objects placed 4 feet apart.

2.  Underhand toss a tennis sized ball to a partner 15 feet away.

3.  Catch a 8½ inch sized playground ball tossed underhand from 10 feet.

4.  With 1 hand, underhand strike a self-bounced 8½ inch playground ball (open hand strike).

5.  From a running start, kick a soccer ball or similar style ball balled from 20 feet.

6.  Soccer style dribble a soccer ball or similiar style ball a distance of 20 feet.

7.  Dribble a basketball sized ball with either hand while moving forward dribbling 5 or more times.

8.  Catch a wiffle ball thrown overhand from 15 feet.

9.  Using a plastic bat or other bat, strike a wiffle ball tossed underhand from a distance of 15 feet.

10.  Overhand throw a tennis ball as far as possible.


11 thru 15 year olds

1.  Overhead pass a volleyball or similar ball tossed by another person.

2.  Serve a volleyball or similar ball a distnace of 20 feet, 6 feet high.

3.  Catch a tennis ball or cloth baseball/softball tossed underhand from 40 feet approximately 20 feet high.

4.  Field a cloth softball or similar ball thrown overhand from a distance of 40 feet.

5.  Using a standard sized bat, strike a cloth softball or similar ball tossed underhand from 30 feet.

6.  Catch a football thrown overhand from 30 feet.

7.  Rund down field at a moderate speed and catch a football thrown overhand from 30 feet.

8.  Soccer style dribble a soccer ball around 3 objects spaced 5 feet apart for a distance of 15 feet.

9.  While running at moderate speed, dribble a basketball 40 feet with dominant hand.

10.  Chest pass a basketball within reach of a receiver from 15 feet away.


Locomotor skills from the week of May 4 thru May 8:

6 thru 10 year olds

1.  Run 50 feet.

2.  Jump forward a distance of 2 feet.

3.  Jump down from a height of 17 inches.

4.  Jump forward and backward over a line.

5.  Run and leap over a 12 inch high obstacle.

6.  Gallop, alternating lead foot; 5 gallops each foot.

7.  Slide sideways, alternating lead foot after 5 slides.

8.  Skip forward 20 feet.  If they can’t skip, break down the move into parts and have them practice the part over and over.  Gallop into a knee lift, hop on the one foot (small hop), step forward with lifted knee and repeat opposite side. 

9.  Perform 2 jumps then 2 hops without stopping.  (Remember a jump is leaving the ground off one foot usally from a running start, whereas hopping is off two feet like a rabbit).


11 thru 15 year olds

1.  Upon verbal request, execute the following skills:  run, jump, hop, leap, gallop, slide, and skip.

2.  Perform smoothly (without stopping) 2 skips, 4 gallops, and 3 jumps.

3.  Perform a standing long jump as far as possible.

4.  Slide in the following pattern – 5 to the right and 5 to the left.


Balance and coordination skills from the week of April 27 to May 1

1.  Create a line on the floor approximately 6 to 10 feet long and have the your child walk the line heel to toe with out falling off the line.  This would be just  like walking a balance  beam with arms out helping to control balance.

2.  Stand on one foot for 5 to 8 seconds without losing balance and then balance on the opposite foot for the same time frame.  Use the same practice of arms out to help balaning.

3.  Stand on one foot and swing the other foot forward and back a total of 5 times without losing balance.  Switch legs and complete again.  

4.  Go to the following YouTube channel and complete the balance and coordination exercises that were not covered above – YouTube Channel (Balance & Coordination Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo)

You can continue to go to the following websites to get some heart pumping physical activity on a daily basis to add with locomotor and balance/coordination exercises:

  1. YouTube channel – Little Sports
  2. YouTube channel – Move to Learn MS
  3. – interactive dance activities to keep you moving
  4. Get outside and simply walk as briskly as possible for 30 minutes or as long as you can if you can’t make it 30 minutes.  


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